Privacy Policy

I am a privacy advocate who actively works to thwart digital surveillance in my own life, and I take other people’s privacy just as seriously as my own. Here’s how that works on this site:

Collected Information

  • When you subscribe to Nine Lives at the free Reader level, I collect your name and email address for the purpose of sending future newsletters.
  • When you subscribe to Nine Lives at the paid Member or True Fan levels, in addition to the above, your payment information is collected by Stripe. I do not have access to your credit card or other financial data, although I can view some minor related facts such as the time and date of your subscription.

Tracked Information

I have configured Ghost to track two behaviors:

  • when someone opens a newsletter email, and
  • which email or web page led to someone’s initial subscription.

This gives me a sense of the size of my active readership for each post, and which posts are attracting subscriptions.

All other site tracking features are disabled, and I deliberately eschew ads, tracking pixels, and cookies that send data to third parties.

Privacy Badger informs me that Stripe (which I have to use in order to accept subscription payments) does try to set tracking cookies on Nine Lives. Installing the Privacy Badger extension on your own browser allows you to block the unnecessary cookies and limit the necessary ones, something I wholeheartedly recommend.

Shared Information

None! I do not share your name, email, or any other data with anyone.